вторник, 9 декабря 2008 г.

фото с места падения башен близнецов

Below: My comparison of known use of thermite with Jones' suspected thermite cut. The top photo shows the characteristic residue left by thermite. The bottom photo shows what Steven Jones wants us to believe is a cut made by thermite. In fact it looks nothing like a thermite cut, and shows obvious signs of torch cutting. Is it any wonder why Jones didn't use a photo of known thermite use for comparison? I have seen thousands of photos from the WTC cleanup, including photos in private collections made by Ground Zero workers. None show any sign of thermite/thermate use.

It takes 10 lbs (4.5 kg) of thermite to make a single rail weld. 
That's to heat the rail sufficiently, not to cut through it.

Below: white/gray thermite residue on used rail weld molds, whitish residue on rail and ground.

Below: WTC Steel showing obvious torch marks. The torch was angled towards the lower part of the cut (not perpendicular to the column face), probably to keep the hot slag moving away from the operator. The thickness of the steel, combined with the angle of torch and the diagonal ("downhill") direction of the cut, makes for a cut that produces a lot of slag. Slag adhesion to such columns would be expected to vary with temperature, surface condition, and type of torch used. Note the apparent slag, circled in red, that's sitting on top of the loose debris. That could only get there after the collapse. What we don't see – on any WTC steel – is the deep vertical cutting and huge amounts of residue and slag that would be expected to come from the enormous amounts of thermite/thermate that some conspiracists claim was used. They would like us to believe that such an incendiary was used on this one sub-grade column. They are wrong.

Below: slag on torch-cut WTC core box column at scrap yard. Source: NIST NCSTAR 1-3C pdf pg. 254

Below, two photos of thermic lances in use, posted by the excellent Italian blogger Henry 62 on his blog and on the Undicisettembre blog. The thicker the steel, the more slag is produced. Thermic lances and oxyacetylene torches were used to cut steel during the WTC rescue, recovery, and cleanup operations.

Below: fresh slag produced by flame cutting steel

Below: photos of various flame-cut columns at the WTC

Below: cross-section samples of the characteristic marks made by oxy-acetylene flame cutting of steel

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